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Conference deadlines
Meet our 2024 speakers


The details of the CALL FOR PAPERS can be seen in the following PDF file, so you can view it even when offline.

PS: Send papers by 15th January 2025.

Click here to check Call fro Papers

Video Conference Online


8:00h - 9:30h
9:45h - 10:00h
introduction and opening words
10:00h - 11:30h
plenary session
11:30h - 12:00h
coffee break
12:00h - 15:00h
work in sections I, II, III, IV
15:00h - 16:00h
lunch break
16:00h - 19:00h
work in sections V, VI, VII, VIII
Papers published at conference
springer publisher
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application VII (volume 2)“ NT-2024
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application VII (volume 2)“ NT-2024
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application VI (volume 2)“ NT-2023
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application VI (volume 1)“ NT-2023
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application V“ NT-2022
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application IV“ NT-2021
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application III“ NT-2020
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application II“ NT-2019
The free access for conference-participants will be granted for 4 weeks
New Technologies, Development and Application I NT-2018
Check out video report from the ICNT-2019

Participation fee

The conference fee is 200,00 Euro and it should be the paid after paper has been accepted for publication.
Registration fee for students of all categories (Bachelor, Masterand Ph.D.) is 150,00 Euro.

Participation should be pait to:

Beneficiary Bank: RAIFFEISEN BANKA dd.BiH, Bihać,
Swift Code: RZBABA2S
IBAN CODE: BA391610350010380012
User: UDRUŽENJE DRUŠTVO ZA ROBOTIKU-SOCIETY FOR ROBOTICS, with remark ”Registration for NT-2025”, and name of the Author.

The conference fee for authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina is 300,00 KM and it should be paid after the paper has been accepted for publication to:
Registration fee for students of all categories (Bachelor, Master and Ph.D.) is 250,00 KM

C.N. of bank 1610350010380012,
Swift Code: RZBABA2S,
User: UDRUŽENJE DRUŠTVO ZA ROBOTIKU-SOCIETY FOR ROBOTICS with remark ”Registration for NT-2025”, and name of the Author.

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